Saturday, August 29, 2009

Host your system

Hi everybody, here I'm going to tell you how to create your own website and host your system if you have no static ip.Don't worry you can still do this if your ip changes that is, you have a dynamic ip.Here i m not telling the difference between the shit what it says static n dynamic .Here I'm dealing with only the dynamic .I think it will be useful for many people .

So let us begin ,

For this you need some tools , you can download those from the bottom of page.

first step:
Copy and paste .com into the search bar and create an account with an alternate site is dyndns.But I prefer while creating account you have to give your hostname.If you don't know this you can do this
press windows key+R
type "cmd" press Enter
type "hostname"
you can change your hostname if you want -Win+pausebreak then go to 'computer name' tab and type your hostname then restart your computer.
Download a tool called DUC from no-ip if you are using or dyndns from these tool sends your ip details to no-ip so always enable this tool so that your system is always accessible (only when you are connected).Install the tool by giving your no-ip account details.

second step:
Download the software called httpexplorer from sourcforge or you can download all the tools from the bottom of page.
Install it and share a folder say 'my shared one' and click start.
step three:
Create a website using your favorite tools and put in the 'my shared one'
and type your domain name in the form if you don't want that no-ip you can buy a domain from no-ip or use service offered by other urlshortening sites such as etc.
Enjoy hosting your system ,put videos and files in your shared folder call your friend, give your address and shock them

Download link :